Palos Verdes Peninsula

Board Bylaw

BB 9005

Board Bylaws

Governance Standards

The Board of Education believes that its primary responsibility is to act in the best interests of every student in the district. The Board also has major commitments to parents/guardians, all members of the community, employees, the state of California, laws pertaining to public education, and established policies of the district. To maximize Board effectiveness and public confidence in district governance, Board members are expected to govern responsibly and hold themselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

(cf. 9000 - Role of the Board)

(cf. 9270 - Conflict of Interest)

The Board expects its members to work with each other and the Superintendent to ensure that a high-quality education is provided to each student. Each individual Board member shall:

1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus

2. Value, support and advocate for public education

(cf. 9010 - Public Statements)

3. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents and the community

4. Act with dignity, and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior

5. Keep confidential matters confidential

(cf. 9011 - Disclosure of Confidential/Privileged Information)

6. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader

(cf. 9240 - Board Development)

7. Understand the distinctions between Board and staff roles, and refrain from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff

(cf. 2122 - Superintendent of Schools: Responsibilities and Duties)

8. Understand that authority rests with the Board as a whole and not with individuals

(cf. 9200 - Members)

Board members also shall assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture. To operate effectively, the Board shall have a unity of purpose and:

1. Keep the district focused on learning and achievement for all students

2. Communicate a common vision

(cf. 0000 - Vision)

(cf. 0100 - Philosophy)

(cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District)

3. Operate openly, with trust and integrity

4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect

5. Govern within Board-adopted policies and procedures

(cf. 9311 - Board Policies)

(cf. 9312 - Board Bylaws)

6. Take collective responsibility for the Board's performance

7. Periodically evaluate its own effectiveness

(cf. 9400 - Board Self-Evaluation)

8. Ensure opportunities for the diverse range of views in the community to inform Board deliberations

(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)

(cf. 9323 - Meeting Conduct)

Legal Reference:


35010 Power of Board of Education to adopt rules for its own governance

35160 Board authority to act in any manner not conflicting with law

35164 Actions by majority vote


1090 Financial interest in contract

1098 Disclosure of confidential information

1125-1129 Incompatible activities

54950-54962 The Ralph M. Brown Act

87300-87313 Conflict of interest code

Management Resources:


CSBA Professional Governance Standards, 2000

Maximizing School Board Leadership: Boardsmanship, 1996




adopted: June 7, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California