Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 9311

Board Bylaws

Board Policies

Note: Districts that subscribe to CSBA Policy Reference Updating Service have access to policy language developed by the association's professional policy staff. Although this service greatly simplifies the task of revising or developing district policy, the samples provided by CSBA still should be reviewed and revised to reflect local practice. The following suggested procedure may be modified to reflect district practice.

The office of the Superintendent or designee will receive sample policies, regulations and bylaws issued by the California School Boards Association. The following procedures will be followed:

1. The Superintendent or designee will review the samples. If the Board of Education has initiated a committee of its members to participate in policy development, this committee shall also review the samples.

2. Policies, regulations and bylaws mandated by law will be given top priority. The Superintendent or designee will ensure that those mandated by law by a certain date are reviewed, amended if necessary and adopted by the Board within the timeline prescribed by law.

3. Policies will be reviewed for:

a. Legal requirements

b. Applicability at the local level

c. Options legally available to the district

d. Future need

4. The Superintendent or designee may delegate the initial task of review and revision to the administrator with appropriate expertise. However, the Superintendent or designee shall retain the responsibility of final review before submitting policies to the Board.

Note: To ensure compliance with the law, it is recommended that the district's legal counsel review drafts whenever language deviates from CSBA recommendations and options.

5. Draft policies, regulations and bylaws may be submitted to the district's legal counsel for review and recommendations.

6. The Superintendent or designee's office shall place the draft policy, administrative regulation or bylaw statement on the agenda of a public Board meeting for first reading.

7. The Board may return the drafts to the Superintendent or designee for further revision and/or move to give them a second reading and adoption.


adopted: December 11, 2000 Palos Verdes Estates, California