Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 5142 Students
Safety Release of Student to Adult
Students shall be released during the school day in the custody of an adult only if:
1. The adult is the student's parent/guardian with custody.
(cf. 5021 - Noncustodial Parents)
2. The adult has been authorized on the student's emergency card as someone to whom the student may be released when the parent/guardian cannot be reached, and the principal or designee verifies the individual's identification.
(cf. 5141 - Health Care and Emergencies) (cf. 5141.1 - Accidents)
3. The adult is a properly authorized law officer acting in accordance with law.
(cf. 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension)
4. The adult is taking the student to emergency medical care at the request of the principal or designee.
(cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Reporting Procedures)
Supervision of Students
Teachers shall be present at their respective rooms and shall open them to admit students, as set forth in the agreement between the Palos Verdes Faculty Association and district. (5 CCR 5570)
(cf. 6112 - School Day)
Every teacher shall hold students to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playgrounds and during recess. (Education Code 44807)
Where playground supervision is not otherwise provided, the principal of each school shall provide for certificated employees to supervise the conduct and safety, and direct the play, of students who are on school grounds before and after school and during recess and other intermissions. (5 CCR 5552)
The principal or designee shall:
1. Clearly identify supervision zones on the playground and require that supervisors remain outside at a location from which they can observe their entire zone of supervision.
2. Require that all individuals supervising students remain alert in spotting dangerous conditions, promptly report any such conditions to the principal or designee, and file a written report on such conditions, as appropriate.
3. Establish emergency procedures that ensure swift response to accidents, fighting and situations that could become dangerous, such as overcrowding or unusual gatherings of students.
When determining the ratio of playground supervisors to students, the Superintendent or designee shall consider the size of the playground area, the number of spots that are not immediately visible, and the age of the students.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that teachers, teacher aides, yard aides and volunteers who supervise students receive training in safety practices and in supervisory techniques that will help them to forestall problems and resolve conflicts. Supervisors' training shall be documented and kept on file.
Playground Safety
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that playgrounds comply with 22 CCR 65700-65750 pertaining to the design, installation, inspection and maintenance of playgrounds and playground equipment.
Upon inspection of playgrounds by a certified playground safety instructor as required by law, the Superintendent or designee shall implement any changes needed in the design, installation, maintenance and supervision of playgrounds. (Health and Safety Code 115730; 22 CCR 65715)
Playground equipment shall be either: (22 CCR 65730)
1. Assembled and installed by or under the direct supervision of an individual authorized by the manufacturer
2. Inspected by a certified playground safety inspector prior to its first use
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that district personnel have read and understood the requirements in 22 CCR 65700-65750 before participating in the design, installation and maintenance of a playground. (22 CCR 65740)
Activities with Safety Risks
Because of concerns about the risk to student safety, the principal or designee shall not permit the following activities on campus or during school-sponsored events unless the activity is properly supervised and each participant has insurance coverage:
1. Trampolining
2. Scuba diving
3. Skateboarding
4. Hang gliding
5. Sailing
6. Water skiing
7. Snow trips
8. Bicycling
9. Motorcycling
10. Target shooting
11. Horseback riding
12. Rodeo
13. Backpacking
14. Breakdancing
15. Other activities determined by the school principal to have a high risk to student safety
The cost of insurance coverage for such activities shall be borne by the student and/or student body consistent with law and Board policy.
(cf. 3260 - Fees and Charges) (cf. 3530 - Risk Management/Insurance) (cf. 5143 - Insurance) (cf. 6145 - Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities)
Laboratory Safety
The principal of each school offering laboratory work to students shall designate a trained certificated employee to review, update and carry out the school's procedures for laboratory safety.
Hearing Protection
The Superintendent or designee shall monitor students' exposure to excessive noise in classrooms and provide protection as necessary. The Superintendent or designee also shall provide hearing conservation education to teach students ways to protect their hearing.
(cf. 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education)
Eye Safety Devices
The Superintendent or designee shall provide schools with eye safety devices for use whenever students are engaged in or observing an activity or using hazardous substances likely to cause injury to the eyes. (Education Code 32030, 32031)
(cf. 4157/4257/4357 - Employee Safety)
Eye safety devices may be sold to students for an amount not to exceed their actual cost to the district. (Education Code 32033)
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: March 8, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California |