Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 5123 Students
Promotion/Acceleration/Retention Promotion Standards
Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and by meeting the grade-level state and district content standards/benchmarks of expected learning achievement. Student shall be promoted or retained at each K-12 grade level, based upon the review of assessment indicators that include test scores, grades, and teacher appraisal. Additional assessments may be undertaken upon the recommendation of the student study team (SST)
(cf. 6164.5 - Student Study Teams)
The demonstration of individual student learning growth to be measured shall include the following:
1. Kindergarten to first grade
a. Report card grades
b. District benchmarks
c. Publishers' assessments
d. Teacher-designed assessments
2. First to second grade
a. Report card grades in language arts
b. District benchmarks
c. Publishers' assessments
d. Teacher-designed assessments
3. Second to third grade and third to fourth grade
a. Report card grades in language arts
b. District benchmarks
c. Publishers' assessments
d. STAR results
e. Teacher-designed assessments
4. Fourth to fifth grade and fifth to sixth grade
a. Report card grades in (reading) English/language arts, mathematics
b. District benchmarks
c. Publishers' assessments in language arts and mathematics
d. STAR results
e. Teacher-designed assessments
5. Sixth to seventh grade and seventh to eighth grade
a. Report card grades in (reading) English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
b. Publishers' assessments
c. STAR results
d. Teacher-designed assessments
6. Promotion to high school - (eighth to ninth grade)
a. Teacher grades in reading English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
b. Publishers' assessments
c. STAR results
d. Teacher-designed assessments
Progress through the various grade levels shall be determined by demonstrated growth in learning and satisfaction of grade-level standards.
Progress toward high school graduation shall be determined on the student's ability to (1) pass the coursework required for the high school diploma and (2) accumulate the credits required for such. The student must also satisfy minimum state and local proficiency requirements, including the California High School Exit Examination (HSEE), effective with the 2003-04 school year.
(cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements)
Acceleration may be recommended when superior academic achievement is demonstrated by the student. Evidence of social and emotional growth shall be key considerations in all cases, particularly at the kindergarten and primary levels. With the consent of the parent/guardian, a student enrolled in kindergarten may be accelerated to the first grade at the discretion of the principal, upon determination that the student is prepared for first grade work.
Acceleration to first grade shall be subject to the minimum criteria spelled out by the state in the Code of Regulations Title 5 Section 200:
1. The student must be at least five years of age.
2. The student has attended a public school kindergarten for a long enough period of time to enable school personnel to evaluate his/her ability.
3. The student is in the upper five percent of his/her age group in terms of general mental ability.
4. The physical development, emotional growth, and social maturity of the student are consistent with his/her advanced academic achievements as determined by the principal and school staff, based on any applicable quantitative data and/or relevant recommendations regarding the student.
5. The parent/guardian of the student has filed a written statement with the school district approving the placement in first grade.
Children five years old or older who have completed one year of kindergarten shall be admitted to first grade regardless of age unless the parent/guardian and the principal agree that the child shall continue in kindergarten for not more than one additional school year (Education Code Section 48011). Whenever a student is to continue in kindergarten for an additional year, the principal shall obtain written agreement of such, signed by the parent/guardian. (Education Code Section 46300)
Retention (or enrollment at the same grade level for a second year) is an action designed to afford the student the opportunity to increase learning achievement and satisfy district grade-level requirements.
Students who are considered "at-risk" shall be identified as soon after enrollment or as early in the school year as practicable and the parent/guardian shall be notified immediately of such. Identified student(s) shall be offered programs of direct, supplemental, systematic, and intensive instruction designed to assist them in satisfying grade-level standards.
Recommended Non-Retention
If a student is identified as performing below the minimum standard for promotion, the student shall be retained in his/her current grade level unless the student's regular classroom teacher indicates, in writing, that retention is not the appropriate intervention for the student's academic deficiencies. This determination shall specify the reasons that retention is not appropriate for the student and shall include recommendations for interventions other than retention that, in the opinion of the teacher, are necessary to assist the student in attaining acceptable levels of academic achievement. (Education Code 48070.5) If the teacher's recommendation to promote is contingent on the student's participation in a summer school or other remediation program, the student's academic performance shall be evaluated (based on the predetermined conditions) at the conclusion of such a program. and the decision to retain or promote the student shall be finalized at that time. The teacher evaluation shall be provided to and discussed with the student's parent/guardian and the principal before any final determination of retention or promotion is made. (Education Code 48070.5)
When a student is identified as being "at risk" of retention, the student's parent/guardian shall be provided an opportunity to consult with the teacher(s) responsible for the decision to promote or retain the student. (Education Code 48070.5) If the student does not have a single regular classroom teacher, the principal shall specify the teacher(s) responsible for the decision to promote or retain the student. (Education Code Section 48070.5)
The principal shall provide a copy of the district's promotion/acceleration/retention policy and administrative regulation to those parents/guardians who have been notified that their son/daughter is "at risk" of retention.
When a student is identified as being "at risk" of retention, the teacher will complete the Retention Consideration Record (RCR) immediately and file a copy with the school principal. (Education Code 48070.5)
The following are the recommended procedures for students determined to be "at risk" of retention:
First Trimester (1-60 days)
_____ Identification of students "at-risk" of retention, based on latest evaluation
_____ Issuance of progress report at end of first grading period
_____ Review of STAR program results
_____ Assessment review of previous year's discussions and RCR form
_____ Provision of a copy of district policy and administrative regulations to parent/guardian
_____ Scheduling of student study team (SST) meeting (including principal, student's teacher, possible teacher(s) for next year, support staff, and parent/guardian)
_____ Parent conference and provision of a plan for parent participation and follow-up
_____ Development of a plan for those students eligible for additional instruction beyond the regular school day
Second Trimester (61-120)
_____ Implementation of supplemental instruction
_____ Update and Filing of Retention Consideration Record (RCR) form with principal
_____ Conduct parent-teacher conference at least 30-days prior to end of schoolyear
Third Trimester (121-End of School Year)
_____ Scheduling of third trimester parent-teacher conference with current achievement data at least 30 days prior to end of school year
_____ Preparation of statement indicating recommended retention (as applicable)
_____ In cases in which parents/guardians decline supplementary instruction appropriate form indicating such must be submitted to school
_____ Teacher-principal determination, if the retention is conditional on achievement at the end of summer school (criteria for success to be written prior to the beginning of summer school).
Prior to Start of School - Finalize Retention Placement
_____ Notification of parent/guardian of final determination
_____ Placement of retention forms in student's cumulative folder 00.01
_____ Forwarding of pertinent information to student's new teacher
_____ Counseling of student and family
If a student is performing below district standards but the teacher is recommending promotion, the teacher shall complete the appropriate form so advising the parent/guardian of the reasons for such.
English Language Learners
Decisions regarding the promotion or retention of English language learners require special considerations. It shall be inappropriate to retain English language learners who have failed to meet academic standards in areas in which they have attained limited proficiency. These students generally should be considered "at risk, " based on the challenges they face in acquiring proficiency and mastering subject area content in English. English language learners shall be provided with supplemental instruction as a key intervention to ensure that they will eventually attain grade-level proficiency and beyond.
Special Education Students
Students with physical and/or mental disabilities that interfere with the learning process are provided protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Their educational opportunities shall be based on the development of accommodation plans intended to mitigate the effects of the disability on educational performance.
Students whose eligible physical and/or mental disabilities create educational needs that require special education (specially designed instruction) and related services (services that enable them to benefit from their special education program) are provided protection under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Their educational opportunities shall be governed by the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) intended to mitigate the effects of the disability on educational performance and assure a beneficial access to a free and appropriate education.
Students who are provided protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and American with Disabilities Act (ADA) shall be placed pursuant to the general requirements of this regulation, unless the student study team develops an accommodation plan which creates an exception to those requirements. If the student is to be retained, the accommodation plan shall specify services and interventions intended to assure the effectiveness of the retention.
Students who are provided protection under IDEA shall, in most cases, be placed pursuant to the general requirements of this policy unless the IEP provides for an exception to those requirements. If the student is to be retained, the IEP must specify services and interventions intended to assure the effectiveness of the retention. In those cases where retention would otherwise be considered, a student may instead be promoted pursuant to an lEP that provides for appropriate interventions and services to assure that meaningful progress will be made in the next higher grade level.
In cases involving students who are provided protection under IDEA, the IEP team shall determine movement from one level to the next. IEP's shall reflect any necessary differential standards for promotion and graduation, any necessary modifications to the course of study, any necessary modifications to the administration of tests, and/or any necessary modifications to the curricula.
Appeal Process
The teacher's decision to promote or retain a student may be appealed by the parent/guardian consistent with district policy and administrative regulation, and the law. The burden shall be on the appealing party to spell-out in writing why the teacher's decision should be overruled. (Education Code 48070.5)
Any such appeal shall be delivered to the school principal within 10 days of the determination of promotion or retention. A hearing date shall be established by the principal within 10 days of receipt of the appeal notice by the principal's office. At the appeal hearing. the parent/guardian shall present their case to the appeal panel. The appeal panel shall consist of the principal, Superintendent/designee, a teacher appointed by the principal, and a teacher appointed by the Superintendent/designee who teaches the next grade level. The teacher who retained the student shall have an opportunity to outline the rationale for his/her decision. Should, for any. reason, the parent/guardian have legal representation, the parent/guardian shall notify the principal of such 48 hours prior to the hearing. The decision of the appeal panel shall be final.
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: May 24, 2001 Palo Verdes Estates, California |