Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 5121


Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement

Grades for Achievement

Whenever it becomes evident to a teacher that a student is in danger of failing a course, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student's parent/guardian or send the parent/guardian a written report. (Education Code 49067)

An incomplete is given only when a student's work is not finished because of illness or other excused absence. If not made up within six weeks, the incomplete will become an F.

No grade of a student participating in a physical education class may be adversely affected due to the fact that the student, because of circumstances beyond his/her control, does not wear standardized physical education apparel. (Education Code 49066)

Students in grades 7 through 12 must earn at least a 2.0 or C grade point average in order to participate in extra/cocurricular activities.

(cf. 6145 - Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities)

Teachers are encouraged to allow for trends in the quality of student work.

In kindergarten through third grade, teachers shall use narrative descriptions to indicate the student's level of achievement and may also furnish examples of student work.

Criteria for determining grades for achievement may include but are not limited to:

1. Preparation of assignments, including accuracy, legibility and promptness

2. Contribution to classroom discussions

3. Demonstrated understanding of concepts in tests

4. Application of skills and principles to new situations

5. Organization and presentation of written and oral reports

6. Originality and reasoning ability when working through problems

Grades for Citizenship and Effort

Grades for citizenship and effort shall be reported each marking period as follows:

O Outstanding

S Satisfactory

N Needs Improvement

Criteria for determining grades for citizenship may include but are not limited to:

1. Student obeys rules

2. Student respects public and personal property

3. Student maintains courteous, cooperative relations with teachers and fellow students

4. Student works without disturbing others

Criteria for determining grades for effort may include but are not limited to:

1. Student takes responsibility for having necessary tools and materials

2. Student shows interest and initiative

3. Student goes to work immediately, and completes assignments

4. Student uses free time resourcefully

Honor Roll

Each school may establish an Honor Roll. All courses except Pass/Fail shall be counted in computing eligibility for the Honor Roll. To qualify for the Honor Roll, a student must receive no current grade below a C and have a grade point average of 3.5 or better.

Advanced Placement/Honors Courses (High School Level)

The district wishes to encourage students to take advanced placement and honors courses in academic subjects. Because of the extra work involved, the evaluation system shall be weighted to reflect the more rigorous nature of these courses. Grades received in these courses will be counted on the following scale:

A = 5 points

B = 4 points

C = 3 points

D = 1 point

F = 0

Parents/guardians of students who are not performing at the A or B level shall be notified by the counseling office prior to the end of the first six weeks of the semester.

Credit/No Credit Grading

With parental approval, students may elect to earn a "Credit" or "No Credit" grade instead of an A-F grade in the following courses:

1. All courses taken in the Alternative Education Program

2. All courses taken in the Special Education Program

3. 9-12th grade noncollege preparatory courses taken in summer school

Students who receive a "Credit" grade will acquire the appropriate semester units of credit for the course, and the grade will not be counted in determining class rank, honors list, or membership in the California Scholarship Federation. Students who receive a "No Credit" grade will not receive credit for taking the course.

Students shall be graded Credit/No Credit for classes in which they serve as student aides unless predetermined goals and objectives related to specific subject knowledge are on file and have been approved by the principal or designee.

Repeated Classes

With the approval of the principal or designee, a student may repeat a course in order to raise his/her grade. The student shall receive credit only for taking the course once.

The highest grade received will be the permanent grade on the student's transcript and each time the class is taken the final grade will be posted. The highest grade will be used to calculate the student's G.P.A.

Unexcused Absences

When an unexcused absence occurs, the student and parent/guardian shall be notified and informed of the district's policy regarding excessive unexcused absences. The student and parent/guardian shall have a reasonable opportunity to explain the absence. (Education Code 49067)

If the absence is not verified as excusable within 10 days, it shall be recorded as unexcused. The person receiving any explanation of the absence by the parent/guardian shall make a record of this explanation and the date when it was given.

If a student receives a failing grade because of unexcused absences, school records shall specify that the grade was given because of excessive unexcused absences. (Education Code 49067)

(cf. 5113 - Absences and Excuses)


approved: May 24, 2001 Palso Verdes Estates, California