Palos Verdes Peninsula

Board Policy

BP 5131.4


Campus Disturbances

The Board of Education recognizes that all school staff must be prepared to cope with campus disturbances and to minimize the risks they entail. Staff should be especially sensitive to conditions that foster racial conflict, student protests, or gang intimidation and confrontations.

The Superintendent or designee shall establish at each school a disturbance response plan for curbing disruptions which create disorder and may lead to riots, violence or vandalism at school or school-sponsored events.

The Superintendent or designee shall consult with law enforcement authorities to plan for police support during school disruptions. Each school's disturbance response plan shall address the role of law enforcement. When a disturbance directly threatens students or staff, the Superintendent or designee has the authority to call in law enforcement personnel for assistance and may dismiss school.

Students who participate in disturbances may be subject to disciplinary action.

(cf. 3515 - Campus Security)

(cf. 5136 - Gangs)

(cf. 5144 - Discipline)

Legal Reference:


32210 Willful disturbance of public school or meeting

32211 Threatened disruption or interference with classes

35294-35294.5 School safety plans

38000-38005 Security patrols

44810 Willful interference with classroom conduct

44811 Disruption of classwork or extracurricular activities

48907 Student exercise of free expression


403-420 Crimes against the public peace, especially:

415 Fighting; noise; offensive words

415.5 Disturbance of peace of school

416 Assembly to disturb peace; refusal to disperse

626-626.10 Crimes on school grounds

627-627.7 Access to school premises


adopted: March 8, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California