Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 5141.25 Students
Anaphylaxis Treatment Schools have a duty to provide for a safe environment and to act appropriately in an emergency.
The district's school nurses shall coordinate anaphylaxis treatment training for designated district personnel such as health clerks, secretaries, office managers, teachers, coaches, noon-time and yard duty staff, administrators and other relevant staff members.
District training will include the attached physician recommended procedures and protocols. These trainings will follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Trainings will be conducted and/or updated at least annually.
Records of trainings, dates, materials utilized and attendees will be kept for a period of at least five years.
Note: Under Education Code 49407, no school district shall be held liable for the reasonable treatment of a student without the consent of the parent/guardian when the student requires medical treatment and the guardian cannot be reached, unless a written objection to medical treatment has been filed with the school district.
1. The school nurse shall assign, monitor, and supervise the training of unlicensed personnel in the administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injector (EpiPen) for allergic, life-threatening emergencies.
2. Designated and trained school personnel shall serve under the indirect supervision of the credentialed school nurse.
General Information
1. Parents/guardians of students with known anaphylaxis risk are responsible for providing completed district medication administration forms (parent/guardian and physician) and their own EpiPen. A list of such students should be kept in a readily accessible location. When anaphylaxis is anticipated, prescribed Epinephrine Auto-injector should be labeled with the child's name and classroom. District medication forms need to be completed by the child's parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year and kept readily accessible but in a confidential manner.
2. Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) is serious and may be fatal. Reactions can occur immediately or up to an hour after exposure. Most often, reactions occur within the first five to ten minutes and need emergency treatment immediately.
3. There are no contraindications to the use of epinephrine for a life-threatening allergic reaction.
4. Allergic reactions are generally a hypersensitive response to a foreign substance (allergens) such as insect sting venom, certain foods, pollens, chemicals, or drugs and may be associated with exercise.
5. Allergic reactions may also be delayed and present as joint pain, achiness, and/or localized inflammation days after exposure. These individuals should be referred to their physician.
6. Epinephrine Auto-Injectors come in two sizes: .15mg., white label Junior for individuals grade 2 and below and .3mg., yellow label Adult for children in grade 3 and above.
7. An Epinephrine Auto-Injector should be included in the first aid kit that is required for field trips and/or school events. School personnel should complete the manufacturer's registration form and mail in so that a reminder notice may be sent to the school regarding EpiPen expiration dates.
8. It is highly recommended that designated site staff be trained annually to ensure competence in the administration of the Epinephrine Auto-Injector as an emergency procedure. Particularly all staff who deal with children on a daily basis.
9. All individuals receiving emergency epinephrine should be immediately transported to a hospital even if symptoms appear to have resolved.
GUIDELINES for use in Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District for persons without individual written physician orders.
1. Severe, even fatal reactions can occur in previously unidentified students and staff, it is strongly recommended that at least two non-designated Epinephrine Auto-injectors be kept in each school for such emergencies.
2. All Epinephrine Auto-injectors should be stored in a locked, easily accessible medicine cabinet.
3. Expiration dates on EpiPen should be monitored regularly, by providing log book for last check-up, time, and date for replacement of EpiPen. EpiPen expiration dates should last throughout the school year. EpiPen shelf-life is approximately two years.
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: May 24, 2001 Palo Verdes Estates, California |