Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 5111 Students
Admission Age of Admission
Proof of age shall be required of all enrolling students. The legal evidences of age, in order of desirability, are a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, immigration certificate, Bible record, or affidavit from the parent/guardian.
A child who will reach the age of five on or before December 2 of the school year shall be eligible for enrollment in kindergarten at the beginning of that school year or at any later time in the same year. (Education Code 48000)
A child who will have reached the age of six years on or before December 2 of the current school year shall be eligible for enrollment in the first grade. (Education Code 48010)
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: March 8, 2001 Palso Verdes Estates, California |