Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 5141.21


Administering Medication And Monitoring Health Conditions

Before a designated employee assists in the administration of any prescribed medication to any student during school hours, the district shall have: (Education Code 49423)

1. A written statement from the student's physician detailing the method, amount and time schedules by which the medication is to be taken

2. A written statement from the student's parent/guardian requesting the district to assist the student in taking the medication as prescribed by the physician

Parents/guardians shall be asked to provide a properly labeled pharmacy bottle containing the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the student's identification, name of the physician, and dosage of the medication to be given.

The designated employee shall:

1. Be responsible for the medication at school and administer it in accordance with the physician's indicated instructions

2. Maintain a list of students needing medication during school hours, including the type of medication, times, and dosage

3. Maintain a log recording the student's name and the time and date when medications were given

4. Keep all medication in a locked drawer or cabinet

Parents/guardians who request that a student be allowed to self administer, monitor or treat his/her existing medical condition must make this request in writing and provide written approval by the student's physician.


The Superintendent or designee shall inform all parents/guardian of the following requirements: (Education Code 49480)

1. The parent/guardian of a student on a continuing medication regimen from a nonepisodic condition shall inform the school nurse or other designated certificated employee of the medication being taken, the current dosage and the name of the supervising physician.

2. With the parent/guardian's consent, the school nurse may communicate with the student's physician regarding the medication and its effects and may counsel school personnel regarding the possible effects of the drug on the student's physical, intellectual and social behavior, as well as possible behavioral signs and symptoms of adverse side effects, omission or overdose.

Anaphylactic Injections

1. Parents/guardians of students who may require emergency anaphylactic injections shall provide written permission for authorized staff to administer these injections.

2. Each year, school employees designated by the principal shall receive training in administering anaphylactic injections. Qualified medical personnel shall provide this training.

3. The principal or designee shall schedule inservice meetings to:

a. Familiarize authorized staff with the prescribed medications and their location

b. Ensure that authorized staff are competent to administer anaphylactic injections

c. Train all school personnel to recognize the symptoms of anaphylactic reactions

Physicians and parents/guardians of students who may require anaphylactic injections may be invited to attend these meetings.

4. The principal or designee shall prepare a list naming the students who may need emergency anaphylactic injections. This list shall be given to all concerned staff and updated annually.

5. All medication for injections shall be labeled with the student's name, type of medicine and expiration date.

6. The parents/guardians of students who carry their own kits for the purpose of anaphylactic injections shall so inform the principal or designee, who shall prepare a list naming these students, give it to concerned staff and update the list annually.

7. The principal or designee shall post in the school health office a list of symptoms usually associated with anaphylactic reactions and a clear, specific procedure for administering injections in case of emergency. If authorized staff are not available at the time of an emergency, this written procedure will be followed by anyone who must administer the injection in order to save a life.


approved: March 8, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California