Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 4311 Management, Supervisory and Confidential Personnel
Recruitment And Selection Recruitment and Screening
When a management position vacancy is known or anticipated, the Superintendent or designee shall determine the need and qualifications for the position. As soon as possible, notice of the vacancy may be published within the district and may be published through other recruitment sources.
In selecting candidates for formal interview, the Superintendent or designee shall:
1. Review valid transfer requests
2. Review the current applicant file
3. Establish an interview committee
4. Arrange interviews for the best qualified applicants
5. Provide the interview committee with each candidate's complete personnel folder, a set of questions to be asked, rating sheets, and related instructions.
The interview committee shall rank candidates in order of priority. When all interviews have been completed, committee members may discuss candidates before recommending finalists. All discussions and recommendations shall be confidential.
A special effort shall be made to interview candidates who qualify for consideration under the district's affirmative action plan.
When finalists have been identified, the Superintendent or designee shall interview in person or by telephone those individuals given as references who have had the greatest opportunity to observe the finalists' professional activities.
The Superintendent or designee shall interview the finalists and submit a recommendation to the Board. No management position shall be filled without concurrence of both the Superintendent or designee and the Board.
If the Superintendent or designee cannot make a recommendation in full confidence, he/she shall be directed to declare the position open and undertake a new search.
When a final recommendation is approved, the Superintendent or designee shall contact the finalist to obtain acceptance of an offer of employment.
The salary and placement of newly elected staff shall be determined by the Board. Employment shall be subject to the possession of valid, appropriate credentials.
(cf. 4112.4/4212.4/4312.4 - Health Examinations)
As soon as the position is filled, the Superintendent or designee shall notify all candidates who were not selected.
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: May 24, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California |