Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 4356.4

Management, Supervisory and Confidential Personnel

Gifts To Employees


1. Gifts to teachers or other staff members from students shall be governed by the provisions of BP 4156.4, which stipulates that gifts to employees shall be restricted to simple or inexpensive gifts presented as remembrances or tokens of appreciation.

2. In the case of such gifts, the individual cost to a family shall not exceed $10; in the case of a gift donated as the result of a group efforts, the cost to any family shall not exceed $5 and the total cost of the gift shall not exceed $50.

3. A teacher or other staff member, for the purposes of this regulation, is hereby defined to include instructors, administrators, coaches of athletic teams, directors or advisors to co-curricular groups, and/or any other employee of the district.

Annual Notice Regarding Provisions of Board Policy 4156.4

1. The rules and regulations governing gifts to employees shall be included in the student handbook at the time of publication each year.

2. Student newspapers shall also be requested to print these rules and regulations once each year.

3. The student leader of school co-curricular team groups, including athletic teams, clubs, and other organizations, shall, in addition, be notified of the provisions of BP 4156.4 by the Director of Student Activities or the Athletic Director each year at the beginning of the year or team season.

Approval of Group Gifts Prior to Presentation

All gifts presented as a result of a group effort shall be approved by the principal or his/her designee prior to presentation.


approved: February 8, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California