Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 3541.2 Business and Noninstructional Operations
Transportation For Special Education Students IEP teams shall authorize appropriate special education transportation to and from school for special education students who have:
1. An orthopedic or other physical disability that significantly impairs mobility.
2. A severe sensory impairment, such as full blindness or deafness, which puts their safety and well-being at risk.
3. A significant delay in social, emotional or cognitive development, as documented by appropriate assessment data, which puts their safety and well-being at risk.
Students eligible for special education transportation for one of the above reasons may receive such transportation to and/or from a child care provider located within the district.
The district shall provide special education transportation to and from alternative sites or clinics where the student is scheduled to receive a related service included in the student's IEP.
A student who would otherwise not be eligible for special education transportation may receive such transportation if assigned to a site other than his/her neighborhood school for the purpose of receiving special education.
Students admitted to a special education program in the district on an interdistrict transfer agreement must, as a condition of attendance, arrange for the district or SELPA of residence to provide any necessary transportation.
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: July 7, 1993 Palos Verdes Estates, California revised: March 22, 2001 |