Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 3515

Business and Noninstructional Operations

School Safety And Security

Incidents of illegal entry, theft of school property, vandalism, and damage to school property from other causes shall be reported by phone to the Superintendent or designee as soon after discovery as possible. A written report of the incident shall be made within 24 hours.

The school principal shall establish procedures to:

l. Minimize fire hazards.

2. Reduce the probability of faulty equipment.

3. Guard against the chance of electrical shock.

4. Maintain records and funds in a safe place.

5. Protect against vandalism and burglary.

6. Assign responsibility for use of school building keys.

7. Maintain locked buildings during nonbusiness hours.

8. Provide routine patrolling of the schools and school grounds.

9. Secure outdoor areas and reduce the number of entrances which give access to the schools, by means such as fencing or landscaping.

(cf. 5131.5 - Vandalism)

(cf. 5142 - Student Safety)

(cf. 6114 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan)


All keys used in a school shall be the responsibility of each principal. Requests for permanent issuance of keys shall be made only in those instances where the employee regularly needs a key in order to carry out normal activities necessitated by the position which the employee holds. When need for a particular key is of a temporary nature, a key shall be issued on that basis and shall be returned immediately following termination of the need for its use.

All keys shall be issued through the office of each principal. Each principal shall set up a key control system. All keys shall be returned to the principal at the end of each school year.

The person issued a key shall be responsible for its safekeeping and shall pay for a duplicate key if lost. Duplicate keys are obtained only through the district maintenance and operations office. Any other duplication of school keys is prohibited.

Keys shall be used only by authorized employees and shall never be loaned to students. Keys will not be issued to persons who are not employees of the school district with the following exceptions:

1. Local fire department.

2. Local police department.

3. Public utility company if necessary for access to controls owned by the utility company.

4. Exceptional need approved by the business office.

The greatest care shall be given to master and submaster keys. Master keys shall never be loaned. It is suggested that master keys be limited to the following individuals:

1. Principal.

2. Secretary to the principal.

3. Assistant principal.

4. Athletic director.

5. High school deans.

6. Head custodian.


approved: July 7, 1993 Palos Verdes Estates, California

revised: March 22, 2001