Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 3516.1

Business and Noninstructional Operations

Fire Drills And Fires

Principals shall hold fire drills at least once a month in all elementary and middle schools and at least twice each school year in all high schools. (5 CCR 550)

1. Whenever the fire signal is given, all students, teachers and other employees shall quickly leave the building in an orderly manner. Teachers shall ascertain that no student remains in the building.

2. Teachers shall be prepared to select alternate exits and shall direct their classes to these exits whenever the designated escape route is blocked.

3. The principal or designee shall keep a record of each fire drill conducted and file a copy of this record with the office of the Superintendent or designee.

When a fire is discovered in any part of the school, the following actions shall be taken:

1. The principal or designee shall sound fire signals.

2. Anyone may call 911.

3. Students and adults shall leave the building and go directly to outside assembly areas.

4. Staff shall give students clear direction and supervision and help retain calm.

5. In outside assembly areas, teachers shall take roll, report missing students, and provide assistance to any injured students.

6. If the fire is extensive, students shall be taken to an alternate location for protective custody until parents/guardians can pick them up or until they can be safely transported to their homes.

(cf. 3516 - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan)

Legal Reference:


32000-32004 Uniform fire signals

32040 Duty to equip school with first aid kit


550 Fire drills


approved: March 22, 2001 Palos Verdes Estates, California