Palos Verdes Peninsula

Board Policy

BP 2120


Superintendent Of Schools

The Superintendent is the chief executive officer and educational leader of the district. He/she executes all Board of Education decisions and is accountable to the Board for managing the schools in accordance with the Board's policies. He/she informs the Board about school programs, practices and problems and offers professional advice on items requiring Board action, with appropriate recommendations based on thorough study and analysis.

The Board delegates to the Superintendent the power to make decisions concerning internal operations of the district. The Superintendent may delegate to other school staff any duties imposed upon him/her by the policies or vote of the Board, as far as the law permits. This delegation of power or duty shall not relieve the Superintendent of responsibility for actions taken by his/her designees.

The Superintendent shall have general supervision of all personnel and shall develop and execute consistent, fair and fiscally sound personnel procedures and practices, including an evaluation program for all district employees. He/she shall oversee all financial operations of the district and actively seek out new funding sources for the schools.

The Superintendent shall take an active leadership role in the development and improvement of the instructional program. He/she is expected to create a feeling of unity and enthusiasm among students and staff for the accomplishment of district goals.

The Superintendent shall articulate educational issues and values before the community and other governmental agencies. He/she shall be accessible to community members and shall work with them to further the district's goals and build a strong, positive community attitude toward the school system.

The Board expects the Superintendent to remain current on educational thought and practices by reading educational publications, attending educational conferences, and visiting other school systems in the interest of improving the district's instructional program and overall operation. The Superintendent shall inform the Board and staff of new developments and significant events in the field of education.

(cf. 2122 - Superintendent of Schools: Responsibilities and Duties)

Legal Reference:


17604 Delegation of powers to agents; liability of agents

17605 Delegation of authority to purchase supplies, equipment and services; limitations on expenditure

35020 Duties of employees fixed by governing board

35026 Employment of district superintendent by certain districts

35028 Qualifications for employment

35029 Waiver of credential requirement

35031 Term of employment (up to four years)

35032 Salary increases

35033 District superintendent for certain unified school districts (on formation of district)

35034 District superintendent of certain unified districts

35035 Additional powers and duties of superintendent


adopted: December 11, 2000 Palos Verdes Estates, California