Palos Verdes Peninsula
Administrative Regulation AR 2260 Administration
High School Department Chairpersons General
Within district budgetary allocations, department chairpersons shall be selected by the building principal to provide program leadership and program coordination for a given subject area and to serve as a spokesperson for teachers assigned to the department.
Specific Duties of Department Chairpersons
The duties of the department chairperson shall include the following:
1. Serve as the department's liaison to the administration.
2. Conduct meetings of the department.
3. Conduct and promote intradepartmental communication.
4. Participate in the interviewing and selection of new teachers assigned to the department when possible.
5. Assist new and returning teachers in securing the proper instructional materials and in implementing effective instructional strategies.
6. Serve as a liaison to the district's Instruction Division in matters such as staff development, curriculum revision, textbook selection, etc.
7. Make recommendations to the school administration regarding the master teaching schedule as it relates to his/her department.
8. Coordinate budgeting and requisitioning procedures for the department.
9. Attend meetings of the school executive council and other meetings designated by the principal.
10. Assist in the placement and supervision of student teachers assigned to the department.
11. Work with the administration in preparing written curriculum materials related to the department and/or the program it offers.
12. Assist in program evaluation as it relates specifically to the department and generally to the overall instructional program.
13. Make recommendations to the school administration regarding new course proposals and proposed deletions.
14. Carry out and be responsible for other tasks related to the department, as delegated by the principal.
Selection Procedure and Criteria
1. Department chairpersons shall be appointed by the district upon the recommendation of the high school principal to the Superintendent or designee.
2. Department chairperson openings/vacancies shall be announced through the Personnel Office and posted for a period of at least one week. The position shall be advertised districtwide unless special staffing needs related to the opening/vacancy require that the position be filled from within the school in question.
3. Persons wishing to apply for the position shall indicate their intent in writing to the Administrator of Personnel Services prior to the application deadline.
4. Interviews for the position shall be conducted by the building principal and a selection committee appointed by him/her. Included on the committee shall be at least one member of the departmental faculty.
5. The criteria to be used in the selection shall consist of the following:
a. Academic training.
b. Successful experience as a teacher.
c. Ability to provide direction and curriculum leadership.
d. Organizational ability .
e. Effective oral and written communication skills.
f. Knowledge and understanding of 1) educational practices, 2) curriculum innovation and 3) procedures for improving programs in the subject area.
g. Other qualifications related to the position in question.
Term of Appointment
1. Persons appointed to a department chairperson position shall serve for a period not to exceed two years, during which time his/her performance shall be evaluated by the principal, based on input received from members of the department and other members of the school administration.
2. At the conclusion of the two-year period, the position shall be opened.
Remuneration for the department chairmanship position shall be in strict accordance with the adopted district budget and the certificated employee master contract.
Regulation PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: July 7, 1993 Palos Verdes Estates, California revised: December 11, 2000 |