Palos Verdes Peninsula


E 2123


Evaluation Of The Superintendent: Performance Objectives

Relations with the Board

The Superintendent:

1. Manages the district in accordance with Board of Education policy

2. Informs the Board about the operations of the schools and the district.

3. Offers the Board professional advice, based on thorough study and analysis, regarding needed policy decisions and other items requiring Board action

4. Provides Board members with timely agendas and with the information and reports they need in order to make informed decisions


The Superintendent:

1. Maintains an active program of personnel recruitment and selection to provide a competent, well-balanced staff

2. Provides a selection process which identifies the best candidate in accordance with the district's nondiscrimination policy and which includes a thorough check of references

3. Ensures the systematic evaluation of all employees and provides advice and a reasonable opportunity for improvement to all who receive an unsatisfactory evaluation

4. Organizes the staff so that appropriate decision making may take place at various levels

5. Holds regular meetings with the administrative staff and provides means for two-way communication with all staff members

6. Informs the staff regarding district policies/regulations

7. Provides a program for continuing growth and professional development of teachers and principals; periodically reviews and reorganizes staff duties and/or responsibilities as necessary to take full advantage of the staff's special competencies

8. Ensures that a satisfactory process exists for hearing employees' complaints and taking subsequent action

9. Has the confidence and respect of the staff and makes himself/ herself available to the staff within reasonable limitations

10. Encourages team spirit, research and creativity among employees

Instructional Program

The Superintendent:

1. Provides for the continuous appraisal of the instructional program

2. Actively promotes improvement of the curriculum and instructional materials; ensures that the staff and community are involved in this effort

3. Promotes efforts to improve the quality of teaching

4. Investigates current educational practices and initiates innovation

Noninstructional Operations

The Superintendent:

1. Ensures that district records are maintained in accordance with law

2. Provides for a safe school environment

3. Develops long-range plans for new sites and facilities or for the closure of existing sites where needed

4. Provides a program of preventive maintenance for school facilities

5. Ensures that district business functions are efficiently managed by qualified personnel

6. Ensures that the budget is planned in terms of educational priorities and that it provides for the improvement of the educational program

7. Seeks out new funding sources for the schools

Community Relations

The Superintendent:

1. Provides direction and support for effective school site processes involving the community, including the development of school accountability report cards

2. Provides for communication between the district and schools and the community; speaks on behalf of the schools before community groups and governmental agencies

3. Cooperates with diverse community members and agencies to further district goals

4. Seeks out opportunities to collaborate in providing support services for students


version: December 11, 2000 Palos Verdes Estates, California