Palos Verdes Peninsula

Administrative Regulation

AR 1230

Community Relations

School-Connected Organizations

Any school connected organization whose purpose is to support one or more of the school's programs or activities of any district school must provide the following information to the principal annually for each school year or within 90 days of initial filing of articles of incorporation:

1. The name of the organization.

2. The date of application.

3. The membership guidelines or qualifications.

4. The names, addresses and phone numbers of all officers.

5. A brief description of the organization's purpose.

6. A specific list of objectives.

7. The signature of a site administrator who approves the request for authorization.

8. The name of the bank where the organization's accounts will be located and the names of those authorized to withdraw funds.

9. The desired use for any money remaining at the end of the year if the organization is not continued or authorized to continue in the future.

10. Evidence of insurance as required by law.

11. A description of the organization's fund raising plans, including methods, approximate dates, anticipated revenue, and method of reporting to students, parents/guardians and the principal or designee.

12. The by-laws of the organization, if adopted.

13. A copy of articles of incorporation for the organization.

14. A copy of the organization's IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit status determination letter.

Authorization shall be automatically renewed each year. The Superintendent or designee may recommend that authorization by the Board be considered necessary.

The principal will not recognize any organization if its membership is limited so as to discriminate in any manner.

The principal shall not recognize an organization if its methods or fund raising activities are not aligned to the educational standards of the district.

The principal shall deny recognition of an organization if its objectives and/or goals can be expected to imbalance the school's activities and programs in a harmful degree or way.

Use of District Facilities/Employees

School connected organizations shall not hire district employees without prior approval from the Superintendent or designee.

The use of school facilities must be in accordance with provisions of district policy and regulations.

District employees, while acting as employees, shall not be officers of school connected organizations.

Fiscal Requirements

Any program, fund raiser, or other activity sponsored by school connected organizations shall be authorized and conducted according to Board policy, administrative regulations, and school rules.

(cf. 1321 - Solicitation of Funds from and by Students,

(cf. 3554 - Other Food Sales)

School related organization funds shall not, under any circumstances, be commingled with student body funds.

School connected organizations are responsible for obtaining required permits from the State Board of Equalization for payments of all taxes, including sales tax that are applicable to its funds. School connected organizations are responsible for complying with all tax laws.

School employees shall not sign checks on behalf of a school connected organization.

Items purchased for or donated to the school shall be donated to the district on behalf of the school, and accepted by the Board in accordance with the district's policies for donation.

School-connected organizations shall present the Superintendent or designee an annual financial statement showing all expenditures and all income from fund-raisers. School-connected organizations automatically grant the district the right to audit their financial records at any time, either by district personnel or by a CPA.

Announcements of Events

Event announcements and permission slips shall clearly indicate that the activity or event is sponsored by the school organization and not by the school or district.

Alcoholic Beverages

No alcoholic beverage shall be served at any event or activity of a school connected organization which students attend or are invited to attend, that occur on school district property.

Support of Hiring of Employees

School connected organizations wishing to support the hiring of individuals to assist in a school sponsored program shall donate the funds for this purpose to the district. The district, shall determine which individuals are to be hired and the appropriate level of pay consistent with current practices and contractual commitments in accordance with district policy. No coach, assistant or helper shall be given stipends or payments by the organization for service that is performed under contract to the district.

Liability Insurance Coverage

School connected organizations may be required to show proof of insurance. Any organization governed by separate officers/board of directors is considered to be an individual organization, and should obtain its own liability insurance. If the organization has no insurance and a claim is filed against it, officers could be personally liable and may have to utilize their own homeowner's insurance. A copy of a certificate of insurance and/or other proof of insurance must accompany the annual request for recognition, and proof of coverage. Renewal must be provided prior to any event or activity of the organization.


approved: December 11, 2000 Palos Verdes Estates, California